With cooler temperatures returning, we’re realizing little things here and there that need to be done so our homes are ready for winter.
Did we turn off the outside spigots yet? Is the plastic tacked up over the pantry window? Are the bicycles put away in the shed?
Today, as a state, we learned that there’s another important task before us as we settle in for winter. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to begin limiting who we visit and how we visit them.
At Franklin Carriage House, that means we need to tighten up our procedures. Per Gov. Phil Scott’s amended and restated Executive Order, we are returning to allowing ONLY medically necessary visitors into Franklin Carriage House. While with residents, these visitors MUST wear face masks at all times and maintain appropriate social distancing.

Family members and friends wishing to visit Carriage House residents should plan to meet with them outside. Residents can either join visitors outside or visit with guests through our common area windows, which can be opened.
Feel free to call the Franklin Carriage House kitchen at (802) 285-2945 to make arrangements for such visits in advance. We are more than happy to arrange for residents to be in the common room when you arrive.
We understand that this is far from ideal, particularly with the holiday season approaching, and this was a difficult decision to make. But we encourage everyone to join us in following these and other guidelines now so that our collective situation improves sooner than it would otherwise. We, like you, want this to be over.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Franklin Homestead & Carriage House Manager Stacy Silloway at (802) 285-2944 or stacy@franklincarriagehouse.org, or Assistant Manager Ethan Dezotelle at (802) 285-2944 or ethan.fhi.fch@gmail.com.
(Photo credit: yourdailyjournal.com)